Hot Hairstyling How-Tos

How To: Create a quick teased up headband hairstyle

We don't think we're overexaggerating when we say that "Gossip Girl" singlehandedly started a massive hairband trend. Or, rather, that Miss Blair Waldorf started this fashion accessory love. For the greater portion of us, though, who haven't worn headbands since we were forced to do so for picture day in 4th grade, slipping one on seems incongruent and childish.

How To: Create a natural soft and smooth blowout with a hairdryer

Experts tell us that in order to maintain healthy hair we must avoid blowdrying it as much as possible. But let's be honest with each other here, ladies: The blowdryer is our best friend. Without it, we'd be either staying up until 1 AM at night waiting for our darned locks to dry or waking up at 5 AM so everything dries and sets before we head off to work.

How To: Use dry shampoo to refresh your hair and add volume

If you're studying for your SATs or cramming for finals in college then dry shampoo is more than just a helpful tool; it's nearly indispensible if you want to look alive (rather than like you only got 1 hour of sleep). This is, of course, especially useful if you've got work immediately after a finals exam and can't look like a famished hobo.

How To: Insert hair extensions, style them, and store them

When it comes to beauty, we try as much as possible to avoid looking fake. By this we mean adding fake pieces of hair to our bodies, like false eyelashes or hair extensions. But let's face it: If your hair is naturally thin like ours, sometimes a well inserted hair extension makes the difference between a dramatic, beautiful hairstyle and a bland, limp one.

How To: Style a Gokudera wig for a cosplay costume

One of the most distinctive parts of the anime-style characters that most cosplayer prefer is the spiky, multicolored anime hair. Most people need a wig to execute one of these styles in real life, and this video will show you how to do it! The example in the video is a wig for Gokudera from the manga Reborn!, but these lessons can be applied to lots of other anime wig styles.

How To: Get "GHD" (good hair day) loose waves with your hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to get loose waves with your hair. You will need to have your hair layered to make this hair curly. First, section off the hair so the top is up and the bottom is hanging down. After this, place the straightener in the hair and push it down away from your face and push down until you reach the bottom of the hair. Continue to do this in small sections throughout your entire head. The smaller the sections, the more defined your curls will be. Now, take some hair s...

How To: Do a cute and edgy side ponytail

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a cute and edge side ponytail. Start by taking the front of your hair, including your bangs and combing it back. After this, clip the ends of the hair onto the side of the head with a couple of bobby pins. Hair spray the hair after this, or tease it if you prefer. Now, take sections of your hair and make different sized braids until you reach the bottom. Tie these off at the end, then put your hair back into a side pony tail. Make the pony tail on either s...

How To: Cut your own hair high and tight

In this video, we learn how to cut your own hair high and tight. Make sure you don't miss any spots by your ears, and make sure the sides are cut evenly. If you have bangs in the front, cut from the back to the front using a shaver. If you want to get rid of your bangs, cut from the front to the back. When you're done, feel the back and make sure it feels completely even. On the razor, there's an adjustment lever, so you can use this to make different feel from the bottom to the top of your h...

How To: Do some easy hairstyles for school

In this video, we learn how to do some easy hairstyle for school. To do an easy bun, take a hair tie and put it in the hair in a side twist bun. Let some of the hair stick out, then take bobby pins and stick them in the bun to secure it, then you're done! The next look requires you to take your bangs and braid them together. After this, pull the braid behind your head and secure it with a bobby pin. The next look requires you to braid a section on the side of your hair, then put it into a pon...

How To: Style a pin-up rockabilly hairdo

In this video, we learn how to style a pin-up rockabilly hairdo. First, brush all your hair back except for your bangs, then curl your bangs so they sit on your face across your forehead. Now, wrap a handkerchief around our head, then pull the bottom flap up to the top. After this, tease your hair that's inside to give it shape and thickness. After this, position the hair into the handkerchief so it lays down and looks flat. Hair spray if you need to, then curl your bangs once more so they ar...

How To: Reduce the frizz in your hair

Bad hair day? Is your naturally curly hair just extra frizzy today? Here's a quick tip to tame your mane - after your spray your hair with hairspray, roll the canister over your hair to smooth out the ends of the frizzies and make them lay flat

How To: Create a half up, half down back to school pompadour

Pompadours sound kind of, well, pompous, and look rather prosh. With a literal "I'm above you" upward beehive bump that towers over your own head and others, a pompadour is a hairstyle with 'tude, and while before people that it was too ostentatious to wear, starlets like Jennifer Lopez and Rachel McAdams have worn the style on the red carpet to much acclaim (and copycats).