How To: Use natural hair dye

Use natural hair dye

Dyeing your hair is a great way to change your look. But if you don't do it right, the results can be pretty ghastly. If you seek a new do without the harsh chemicals, these steps will give you the locks you've been looking for.

You Will Need

*A natural hair-dye kit
*An old t-shirt
*An old towel
*Latex gloves
*A wide-tooth comb
*A gentle shampoo
*An egg timer (optional)

Step 1: Open kit

Open your hair-dye kit and become familiar with its contents. Read any warnings or precautions before starting.

Tip: Before using any hair coloring product, test a small area of your scalp to check for allergies according to the package directions.

Step 2: Set up

Set up your workstation near a sink, being sure to wear an old t-shirt and using a towel you don't mind staining.

Tip: Natural hair dye does not contain bleaching agents such as ammonia but will stain on contact.

Step 3: Mix

Mix your tint with the included developer following the directions on the package.

Step 4: Apply

Put on your latex gloves and apply the mixture to your roots. Use a wide-tooth comb to evenly distribute the coloring through your hair.

Step 5: Massage

Massage the dye into your hair using your fingertips and allow it to set according to the directions.

Tip: Use an egg timer to avoid over exposure and don't get distracted with other activities.

Step 6: Rinse

Rinse your hair thoroughly with a gentle shampoo such as baby shampoo.

Step 7: Style

Style your hair as desired. The full effect of the dye will take 24 to 48 hours to develop, so be patient.

Fact: Natural hair-dye kits account for just ten percent of the hair coloring market – about $1.25 billion annually.

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