How To: Make hair bows with ribbon spikes

Make hair bows with ribbon spikes

Hair bows are adorable for all ages, and in this simple, easy tutorial, our hostess gives us first the materials we will need to construct our own. A piece of cardboard, a sewing needle and thread, a rubber band, and of course the little fabric pieces referred to as "spikes," to complete the creation. From there, we are taught that the cardboard is our stabilizer, through which the needle will go, and that we will then be constructing the fabric into shapes upon that needle, layering the fabric on and then sewing it lightly together and twisting, finally circling the extra string around the middle of our little pinwheel accessory, and snipping the excess. It couldn't be simpler, and with this video you'll be able to have unique, custom hair accessories, in any color and fabric pattern you could possibly want.

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