Tousled, sexy hair is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps to get that flirty look.
Use a shampoo and conditioner formulated for curly hair. Dry your hair and turn on the curling iron. If you can, remove the clamp on your curling iron to eliminate clamp marks. If you can't, that is okay, too.
Example: Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Shampoo and Conditioner
Clip your hair into sections. Take a 2-inch section, spray it a setting spray and twist it. The twist gives a non-uniform look.
Example: Fekkai Coiff Oceanique Tousled Wave Spray
Curl the twist
Take each twist and wrap all but the last inch or so around the iron. Don't forget to forgo the clamp if you couldn't remove it.
Shake it out
Use your fingers to comb out the curled twists and shake into looser waves. Use a dry shampoo to give it a matte texture and you're done!
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